
Only 5″ long and less than 1″ high, this solid brass puppy weighs a ton. For years he sat on my desk atop my most important notes, making me less resentful of going through the stacks of papers he kept in place while I procrastinated going through them every day. One day he fell on the floor and I noticed how strangely shaped his little feet were. Only then, after almost 20 years of being a paper protector, did I realize the dachshund was, in fact, a bottle cap opener on his front legs and a can opener in the rear.


Discoveries like this make me very happy. It seems like I have a brand-new object in the house! He’s definitely hand sculpted – be careful around his sharp butt! – but his polished smooth body makes him very fun to handle and easy to operate. I do miss him guarding my papers but he seems much happier in his new and more exciting role.

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6 Responses to “Allee Willis’ Kitsch O’ The Day – Brass Dachshund Bottle and Can Opener & Paperweight”

  1. Kathy Cunningham

    A beautiful dog fish! Well mannered..always standing at attention and neutered!

  2. Lyle

    My girlfriend’s sister just gave me one today, like 15 min. ago. It is so cool. I just love him.

    • Allee

      Price is definitely fair but it’s part of a whole collection so unfortunately I can’t let it go. So sorry.
