These three beauties are the real deal, the kind that used to bake in the sun in Florida in the 1950’s glory days of pink flamingos, not the hideous shocking pink plastic repros that proliferate in catalogs today. These gals are made of solid concrete and weigh a ton; even the baby is a 10 pounder.
The super baby pink is faded to perfection and the thin metal legs are rusted as if they’ve been wading in an Okeefenokee swamp for decades. These three flamingos stand as proud today as when they were hatched back in 1950.

Donald Schoals
OMG, I have the same exact ones and I love them. Unfortunately the mail neck fell apart and I am sick about it. can you give me any information on someone or someplace that can refurbish the concrete and any one who can repaint it after the concrete is repaired. If anyone can help please e-mail me at [email protected] my name is Don, Thank-you
The head fell off of my baby one and I just mended it with concrete glue.
I don’t like the way most things look when they’re repainted so you can still see the hairline crack on mine. There must be people who can repaint concrete flamingos so they look like they’ve been outside for the last 60 years but usually when I see this done it takes on more of the look of a brand-new freshly minted plastic bubblegum pink flamingo. So just be careful if you find someone who says they can do it and make sure and see some samples of their work before you pull the trigger.
Hi – I have the real thing also -it was protected indoors (original dark pink paint) until the stupid landlord pulled its legs (I had made them of dowels)out and threw it in the back yard and called it trash….I feel like calling her a dumb russian… Anyway I dont have a computer hooked up yet (moving obviously) but feel free to contact me as Becky, 221 No 7th Ave Manvile nj 08835 and hopefully I will retrieve what is left of my Fatso Flamingo this saturday (bringing in the forces aka cops- for protection. Wont that A-hole be suprized) Is there any value set on them -besides love????
do you still have these 3? are they for sale? how much?
Yes, definitely still have but not for sale…
M Gas
Concrete flamingos for sale on ebay 1930’s
Kathy Banzul
Hi, we have a set of four restored 1950s concrete Flamingos on craigslist, Phoenix Az. Thank You, Kathy 623 217 2115
manuel zelaya
just found aset of this under my mobile home.
little faded but in good shape..i new they had to be old cause i never see any of them like it….anybody out there knows how much theyre worth ?