Not sure how long the kitsch factor will remain high on this now that MJ is back in the center of the Pop Culture eyeball with his upcoming tour but this candy bar is one of my favorite pieces of MJ memorabilia I own. I recently worked with one of Michael’s nephews, Taj, and he told me the family used to eat these.
I LOVE kitsch of the day!!! Consequently, one of my cousins, in her late 70s, still uses her swinger glass when we have parties!!! Hers has a very dainty, lady-like chain; as she puts it, “the only necessary jewelry!”
I love your collection. This would be so valuable now since MJ have just passed away. RIP MJ
Thanks Evonne. Will have some Michael jackson memorabilia featured tomorrow.
I just found out you wrote “September” you probably heard this a million times, but it never fails to get everyone to dance! I am from Singapore but when to university in Australia, when i play “September” in the International Hostel, EVERYONE from all over the world would know it!