I’ve seen many a kitsch lipstick holder but this plunges the category to a whole new high. I’ve scoured the magnificently cheap plastic pot for a manufacturer’s name or date but no such luck. I’m guessing this was grown somewhere between the late 60’s and mid 80’s judging from the Nude Pink meets Fireball Red with a twist of Foxy Brown inspired shades. The plastic flowers may be drooping but the lipsticks, which snap onto the ends of the stems, are as firm as the day they first bloomed.
fightin' mad mary
I am loving the kitsch of the day! Keep ’em coming.
Andrew Shaw
Kitsch me quick on the lips!
Try the lipsticks, glosses from http://www.coonobabe.com. The high quality at very reasonable pricing of USA made lipsticks/glosses are very good. Check it out. By the way,Coonobabe offers free shipping anywhere in the world. …Michelle 😉
If I can locate the Christmas picture showing what my sister got, I believe in ’73 or ’74, you will see she received a pot ‘o pout like this along with a striped pant suit and other goodies.
Would love to see that. Matching lips and pantsuit!