I love Thanksgiving. The anticipation is so great I can smell the turkey and fixins wafting up my nostrils the entire month of November. Every year I contemplate prepping the bird myself, eager to re-create my mother’s recipe using the best ginger ale in the land, Detroit’s own Vernors, but I thankfully receive enough invitations that one less fowl hits the ovens and my potential guests are spared from any possible food related illnesses. All this to say that when I found this inflatable turkey I was elated! It sits in the middle of my dining room table all month and then gets blown up again for Christmas. My house smells delicious because I have such a vivid imagination. Anyone’s welcome over to my place for some delicious plastic and hot air. Happy Thanksgiving!

The best part of turkey is the look, and the best part of this turkey is the seams!
I agree!
Ben Pesta
In certain rustic communities, this device is a marital aid….
raj brandston
Leslie Brown
oooooh! Savory!
Kathy Cunningham
Allee..this turkey is da bomb! Careful now that the KGB doesn’t come after you for “Neutron Bomb”
I am filled with the urge to pump this full of gravy and drop it out of a blimp.
Excellent idea. I know just the house it needs to get dropped on.
A friend gave me one of these last Thanksgiving.
And a fine friend you have. I love this turkey!