Just in time for the weekend comes this 1950’s plastic drink guide, the must-have bar accessory in any respectable Space Age home. Spin the dial and get recipes to Atomic cocktails like Between The Sheets, Blood & Sand, Gertie’s Garter, Millionaire Numbers 1 & 2 and Widow’s Dream. No tiki bar, rec room or man in gray flannel suit was without one of these back in the day.

Ohh nice. Just the kind of thing id have loved playing with as a child and “kind of” remember seeing somewhere on someones kitschy home bar
Good article, the advertisment is sold?
I have a black metal version of this, but the “Bar Guide” portion is white plastic and raised with a light in it. Made by “SWANK”. Perfect!
@Swanky – I never saw one of these with a light inside. Very impressive!