With 2010 only inches away I wouldn’t mind a little psychic vision as to what the coming year will hold. Would love a few more coins dropping in the pocket, a few more hits rolling out of the brain and a whole lot more kitsch kluttering up my life.
I don’t know why I didn’t buy this board game during Warwick’s ’91-’98 run with the Psychic Friends Network. I guess the infomercial was on so frequently I just never thought it would go away. As much as I enjoyed the massive cheese wheel served up every night, I was glad it tanked as Warwick made such historic records in the 60’s and they were all but forgotten under a mountain of psychic slop. But I do wish that I had a little bit of the slop to remember this Warwick phase by, namely this board game which I will now content myself with enjoying at The Allee Willis Museum Of Kitsch.
This Kitschtastic item is the winner of the prestigious Classique d’ Camembert award, the highest honor bestowed upon an object submitted to The Allee Willis Museum of Kitsch at awmok.com. I thank aKitschionado Jason Mecier for his excellent and discerning taste.
Scott Finnell
I love Dionne. Her music was fabulous, and I still listen to, “I Say A Little Prayer For You.” I wish she hadn’t cheapened herself with this silly Psychic Friends Network. What a crock of sh.. Oh well, she must have needed some more money for her pot. Allee, I wish you lots of money and success for the new year. I know you will get it because you are so talented, and if I can’t have it, you certainly deserve it. Best of wishes to you for the new year!