After seeing the incredibly warm and enthusiastic response to my post a couple of weeks ago of me with my proudest musical discovery, the incomparable mini-skirted/ go-go booted Del Rubio Triplets, I am happy to announce that I’m working with Millie, the surviving triplet, on a possible comeback. Great progress was made this weekend in reuniting her with her guitar for the first time since Eadie, the oldest triplet (by 15 and 30 minutes respectively) left us in 1996. Still too early to tell if a concert is in the making as it’s clear it will be a long road back, but the mere fact that the guitar case was cranked open and the first dreadfully out of tune chords were struck is reason enough to keep hope alive! Will keep y’all posted.

Danielle Eskinazi
if a Del Rubio Plays anywhere I will be the first in line.
what a welcome comeback.
Good Work Allee
Dani xo
thats wonderful news & Millie looks great!
Dennis White
I’m so glad to hear that Millie is up and at ’em. Working with The Del Rubio Triplets was a real joy for me! I ran Blue Yonder Sounds with J.Randall Johnson after we released ‘Three Gals Three Guitars’. It was a thrill helping The Triplets sieze their rightful place in pop history after they worked so hard for so many years. Please say ‘hello!’ to Millie for me and that she looks as beautiful as ever. God Bless all of them. RIP Eadie and Elena.
Good work getting Millie to pick up her guitar again!
Dennis White
Oh my gosh…what a lovely picture! Millie is absolutely so,so beautiful! god she’s just gorgeous! Oh, I’m tearing up and so, so sorry for her being separated from her lovely sisters….How wonderful it is to see her with guitar in hand, though….I’m gonna go put on my Del Rubio Triplets Three Gals, Three Guitars record….I admire them so,so much…..This is just lovely…i’m verklempt!!
Wow Allee Thats great! Millie looks fabulous. Sad that it couldnt be att three triplets together. Really hoping Jerrie is on the mend too!
I’m so glad to see that photo of her with a guitar in hand, I can’t tell you. I hadn’t heard any update on her since the Christmas card campaign to cheer her up two years ago. I’ve been wondering how she was getting along. Thank you.
You both look divine.
I’ll wager the chords tighten up into something sublime in no time. Much love Millie’s way — I’m absolutely bananas about the Del Rubios and thrilled to see her again.
Scott Finnell
It is sad to hear of the passing of some of these talented ladies. I remember an episode of, “The Golden Girls” that they were in. It was your song, “Neutron Dance” that they sang. It was a classic episode. I love to see them when this episode plays. We lost Estelle, and Bea.
Millie is hanging on, but would love to hear from fans. She turns 87 in August.
How lovely to find this posting about Millie. She looks lovely!!! Will she be performing again? Recording? That would be awesome! We’d love to hear from you Millie.
Claudia P. Williams
Ms. Milly, I just want to say you look so beautiful! And I would love to hear more from you. I always enjoyed seeing “The Del Rubio Sisters” play. Y’all were all so pretty! Truly blessed. Good luck with all your future endeavors Ms. Milly! Stay young at heart!
Lynda Wells
OMG, Millie, you look wonderful, and I cannot wait to hear you sing, again! Maxene and I loved meeting you and your sisters all those years ago (!) at Allee’s “Night of the Living Lingerie Party.” Come on, Allee, let’s get this talent to New York!
Love and hugs, Lynda Wells
Please send my love to Millie. We used to chat on the telephone about her love of the church and she really inspired me in ways I think of daily. I lost her number when I moved from Los Angeles to Palm Beach but I think of her often. Love to you Millie!
any word on the possible “comeback”? I think it would be great to hear her collaborate with other contemporary artists. Keep us posted.
Nothing to report yet. Wil post something when there’s progress for sure.