Meant to “add a little spice” to your food, this kind of risque-but-not-really stuff was all the rage in the 1950’s and 60’s. Sixteen plastic pics that hold canapes together featuring quips like “Lovers Leap – the distance between twin beds”, “Madam – one who offers vice to the lovelorn” and “Bachelor apartment- a wildlife sanctuary”. Many of them are a peek into how different attitudes toward sex were in decades past, like “Patience – the difference between rape and seduction.” Yikes. To think things like this were stuck into bacon wrapped olives and toasted Cheese Whiz baloney puffs…

wow! how times have changed!
Scott Finnell
Your right, yikes! is the perfect word to describe patience as being the difference between rape and seduction. Nowadays sex is like fast food. It really was a strange and different world back in the 50’s and 60’s. I sometimes think I would like to live back then when we didn’t have AIDS and all the problems young people are faced with today. I guess it is all in the way one looks at it. Back then people where so closed minded and reserved. I would like a world without AIDS with more open minded and educated people.