Although it’s all a little worn, this Panasonic Panapet 9V R-70 is one of the most popular transistor radios in history. Music boomed through it throughout the ’70s and it continues to hiss out AM reception like the day it was born. The 4″ high Panapet came in white, red, blue, yellow and green as well as a much rarer lavender and was known for having less static than other transistor radios. It fit comfortably in your palm but if you were really cool you used the handy chain to hang it on your pole lamp or doorknob.
I had a bunch of these but through the years my lust for round electronics focused more on portable hanging ball Videosphere TVs with matching radio/8-track players. Each TV had its own matching Panapet.

Kathy Cunningham
The ONLY style of radio that “Ina Gadda Da Vida” would be apppropriately heard on!
I’ve wanted a Panapet forever! I’ve never found one for sale in my area.. but I’m sure I’ll snag one if I keep looking.
didnt have a panapet..but i did have a toot-a-loop! in red
Just as good! My toot-a-loop and panapet sit right next to each other.
Terry Pyne
I used to have one years ago but it broke and I have alwayes wanted one. I am looking for onr that has never been used.if someone know of one please email me at [email protected]
I have alwayes wanted one of those and I would like one that is new. I have been serching on line for a long time. if anyone knows of one for sail email me at [email protected]