There were many versions of this game based on the popular TV series pitting two two-people teams against each other to guess words based on clues given by one teammate to another. The original show starred Allen Ludden and ran from 1961-’67 for a total of 1555 episodes. There were almost that many versions of this game as newer versions of Password having been on TV through 2009. Each version added new words except for later anniversary versions where they got lazy and used words from previous sets.
Made by Peak Productions for the Milton Bradley Company in 1962, this set is complete with two sets of password cards, two leatherette holders, a spinner and score pad.

I love the little leatherette holders with the clear red windows with magic powers that reveal the secret word which can’t be seen if you’re just looking at the card without the case.

The original Volume 1:

Password, 1962, with Dick Van Dyke:

Password,1966, featuring Angie Dickinson and her fabulous hairband:

Robert Starkey
Thanks for that “kitsch down memory lane” Allee! I can actually feel the texture and smell the scent of the little leatherette holders. Life was so simple then!
Heidi Ehrenreich
I loved this show. And had this game, except I think my blue holders were vinyl not leather. I am having an olfactory memory of this.
I am going to look for one of these on line. There is something so heartening about remembering these classic quiz shows, especially now, with all of the”reality” junk on the tube. Kudos on this one.
The holder is right inbetween: LEATHERETTE!
These games show up on eBay. Look for an early volume made in 1961-64.
I have the original Volume 1, in my “games” collection. I love the secret word! 🙂