In terms of junking up ordinary items in extraordinary ways I can usually depend on products that come in packaging with horrendously poor translations, as is often the case with my favorite foreign company of insane accessories, Daiso Japan. Among other things, I would say that this is clearly a comb despite labeling that claims otherwise.

And despite it being an Apple Comb or even an Apple Hair Brush, a couple of cherries have snuck in. So wouldn’t it have been more appropriate to call it a Fruit Comb or Fruit Hair Brush?

There are several wonderful things about the warning on the back of the Fruit I mean Apple Comb:

It’s pretty clear to me that a comb is meant to be used on hair and only an idiot, perhaps someone who thought this was a hair brush, would be in need of an instruction like “do not use if any symptoms such as scratch, boil, eczema and swolleness occur.” I don’t like to think of such extrusions when I’m stroking my locks. As for “Do not directly apply wax and essence on the brush”, I have no idea what essence is and, as I said, I don’t see a brush anywhere in this package. And, regardless of whether this is a brush or comb, I would not want it to cause “damages on my skin”, especially “when got dirty”. The text on the front must have been written by the same translator:

“We are going to return our customers favor with better products.Intelligent choice! Practical choice! We believe your best choice.”I think the best choice would have been to also put the design on the back of the comb as you never know which way a person is going to hold their comb and/or hairbrush.
But no matter how you hold your comb, choose your fruit, part your hair, or struggle to make sense of the packaging, the Apple Fruit Comb Hair Brush is one pretty l’il thing!

Keep out of reach of children. Prudent advice. My son is 14 but still can only use a comb when supervised
If you ever get to Japan (or, as you have probably already been here before, “if you ever get here again”), you should visit some of their larger stores which are sometimes up to 7 floors. Sadly, all the items used to be 100 Yen (approx $1.20) but there are now items all the way up to 1000 ($12.00). Still, the have many amazing items, lousy translations and all.
I’ve only been to Japan once, to Tokyo in 1987, when I was in a pop culture group art show (coincidently right when my song,”What I Done to Deserve This?” was number #1 there so couldn’t have been better timing if I tried). I totally fell in love with Tokyo. Went completely insane at how modern it was and what an unbelievable sense of design there was with everything, architecture being at the top of the list. I also went crazy in the department stores. So I’d love to get back there one day. And the thought of what those shelves are filled with in the way of kitsch has my heart spinning.
Well, when you come again, I guess things will be quite different now. Incredibly sad…
Seeing this makes me want to take a trip to the Sanrio store and stock up on Hello Kitty and friends items. I need folders, pencils, erasers, stickers, a watch, hair clips, a hat, socks, a toothbrush, and a lunch box.
Oh scratch the lunch box. My ‘Fame’ the tv show one is still good to go.
You should post your Fame lunchbox here at AWMOK.
Maybe we should be blaming the Chinese for the mislabeling as a hair brush and some of the laughably ludicrous labeling language, since it was made in China and produced for Daisco in Japan. I wonder how much melamine and lead are in the comb????
No, it most likely wouldn’t be the Chinese who do that as they only manufacture it. As for melamine, there’s nothing wrong with it being in items like this as that’s what it is normally used for. Remember “Melmac” plates? Well, they’re melamine. Lead, on the other hand…..
Soooo sad. Following it closely here. Were you in Tokyo when it hit?
Sorry to be 6 days late in replying to this, Allee. (Things have been kind of hectic.) No, I wasn’t in Tokyo, I live in Tokushima, which is on a different island than Tokyo is (that island, the main one, is called “Honshu”) I actually never felt the quake here, but we did have a tsunami. Thankfully, it did no damage to this city.
Well, I’m certainly happy to hear that. Always praying for the best, but the magnitude of what’s happened in Japan is truly mind-boggling.
The way the Japanese are banding together in this is amazing, especially amidst all the damage. I’m afraid they are growing a bit weary, however. I hope and pray for the best from now.