
It’s no secret that one of my favorite genres of Kitsch is when something goes tragically wrong in the manufacturing process of the product yet it still hits the store shelves. In this case, the fumble occured on the packaging assembly line. Inserted snuggly inside The “Chuckwagon” combination salt and pepper shaker box is one combination salt and pepper shaker that, in the spirit of the old West, reads “Travel Joy, Travel Luxury – Airstream”. I don’t know about you but the last Airstream I saw didn’t have a wagon wheels and wasn’t being pulled by a horse.

There’s not really anyone to blame as there’s no sign of a manufacturer anywhere on the box or on the shaker itself. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen that before in a commercial product. It’s as if they knew they were going to insert the wrong thing in the wrong box and didn’t want to be blamed when that happened.

Whatever the reason for the forgetfulness or sloppiness or just plain brain-tweaked-so-tight-these-kind-of-mistakes-are-bound-to-happen,I for one am ecstatic because it has given me a completely unique piece of Kitsch from something that, if they had just decided which product it was, The”Chuckwagon” or The “Airstream”, would have been very cute but not as KITSCHTASTIC as it is now.

It is funny as you said, maybe it is in a combination box just to save space in an Airstream and the graphic was an error or just to get attention. But I guess not, if it sat on the shelves not selling!
Smiles, Cyndi
This is an advertising give-away for Airstream, and was produced by “Chuckwagon”. I have about 30 of these in the Chuckwagon sleeve with a graphic for Miracle Maid Cookware. I got them from a MM salesman who handed them out to customers in the 1960’s.
That’s great! i have about 5 of them. 30 is very impressive!