More than anything, the one thing that accompanied me every single day of my four college years at the University of Wisconsin in the late 1960’s was a spritz of Ambush Spray Cologne. I should have bought stock in Dana, the company that made it, for as many bottles of it as I went through. The male equivalent was called Canoe. Sometimes girls wore that too but I was so attached to the scent and the shade of pink and hard rubbery shape and feel of the bottle I never made it past Ambush.

Here’s what I looked like when I first started wearing it at the tail end of high school:

For as laquered as my hair was it might appear that I may have coated that with Ambush too, but that was all about Aquanet. My Aquanet hairspray kept my hair helmet so firm I never had to worry about it getting crushed when the amount of Ambush I sprayed on myself put me in many situations like this back in college:

Thank you, Ambush, for making me smell good then and for that astounding pink bottle still lighting up my eyes today.

Ugh, this wore me out from laughing. Thank you again for delighting us with such amazing commentary. I’m clicking and dragging your high school shot! It’s going to be my screen saver.
Alexandra Brooks
I had no idea u were an Ambush girl Allee. My Dad used to buy it for me by the case. I also wore a lot of Timeless by Avon (still do) and Emeraude by Coty back then. There is a 90’s Ambush redo…it’s horrific. The original is still the best. Many of the old classics can be found at Vermont Country Store if u ever need an olfactory fix. *PS LOVE the Glamour Bob!
I had no idea original smell Ambush was still sold! i still swoon when I think of it.
Diane Steinberg Lewis
So…This was the Mumford Days! Kenny and I are checking out Alta’s “DO” with awe and amazement! I’m going to CVS to take a whiff of this tomorrow!
Neville Archambault
That’s “dream hair” wow great! The necklace shouldn’t be over looked,love it! In the photo while you and “wonder boy” pillow fight. Our boy#2 looks as if he’s crying. Heart breaker!!
Looking for Ambush and found Neutron Dance. I love them both! Great site. I’ll be exploring.