Bleary eyed from chasing a friend’s cat through the hills above the Hollywood Bowl all night last night – finally captured I’m happy to say! – I had to get up bone-breakingly early this morning to pick up a keyboard in Hollywood. My eyes were still practically glued shut but there’s so much kitsch along the roadways in this city, I can always deal with a situation as long as I remember to bring my camera. In addition to the above mural painted underneath the 101 on Argyle, here are but a few of the gems that crossed my car and eyeballs as I made my tired trek this morning.
There’s nothing better to me than when someone takes a plain building and slaps some cement art up on it.

Well, maybe this is a little better… taking a plain box of a house and attempting to make it look like the Parthenon with the MGM lions greeting you at the door:

I wonder if that person knows that plants can actually be planted in the ground? The only thing missing is a blue tree…

…and maybe this hedge as an entrance:

Thank God this bus wasn’t parked in front or passersby wouldn’t be able to see any of the architectural or fauna beauty:

Despite so many insanely wonderful vintage structures falling victim to the wrecking ball, Hollywood still has some incredible period architecture like this church hugging the entrance to the 101 On Hollywood Blvd.:

You can’t really tell how gorgeous this is from a distance but in addition to those incredible fins and peculiar arrangement of windows, the entire building is made up of 1 inch lavender mosaic tiles. Unfortunately, that wall was slapped up a few years ago depriving drivers of the building’s full beauty. Luckily, the full finned magnificence of the Peterson Automotive Museum on Wilshire and Fairfax is not hidden by a stupid wall.

I know that this is a hideous photo but I took a short cut through a muddy construction site and barely had time to fumble for my camera as I passed this window:

Perhaps a close-up will reveal more of its beauty:

I swung by one of my favorite papusa places hoping to grab a little breakfast before I sped home to throw myself back in bed but it was closed. The mural still woke me up.

I hope everyone reading this has as jam-packed full and colorful a Sunday as this overly-enthusiastic balloon/cotton candy/inflatable toy man walking around Echo Park Lake this morning. Open your eyes. Beauty is all around you!

jaye kerr
thanks for the fab photos, love the blue tree & the “hedge” shots especially! you make me smile-alot!!!!
Thank you, Jaye. That hedge slays me (and probably beheads anyone walking through it).
N. Joyce Crenshaw
So, I thought my eyes were open, but you see much more than I. I am taking lessons with my hands on my camera. Love you for the eye openers. Now go get some shut eye and no more cat chasing. Love J!
Thank you, J! Excellent that you’re carrying your camera now. I love driving through Los Angeles. It’s like being in a permanent amusement park. (Detroit ain’t bad either! https://www.alleewillis.com/blog/2011/04/27/allee-willis’-kitsch-o’-the-day-–-allee-willis-marches-on-detroit-part-9-the-tour/)
Got a kick out of the boxy little house dolled up with lions and columns. Reminded me of that over-the-top micro-mansion you can see on the right as you start over the hill at Tyrone and Ventura in Sherman Oaks.
Ooh, I need to focus harder on that corner… Never seen it.
Like the high hedge entrance in the fifth picture. Do you still know where you took this picture? Looks like it’s at an intersection …
It’s on 8th St. somewhwere in the Wilshire district in LA.
Thank you so much … !