Nice, big, fat story in the Times on me today + 12 photos. Thank you, Bob Morris, for seeking me out (no press agent involved here!) and writing such a heartfelt, spirited, and happily long piece. My house thanks you too (at least the part of it that made the photo)!

I found you via the NY Times. Your house is amazing — such a sense of restless joy.
Mod Betty / RetroRoadmap.com
My heroine! So glad your sincerity, enthusiasm and joie de vivre is being shared with a wider audience!
Brian Hamilton
GrooVee! Those are some of the nicest pics of your museum-home I’ve seen. Ditto what Mod Betty said above. Your art, in many forms, is meant to be shared. Your joy is infectious.
♥ Brian
PS: Your cat is huge!
I’m gonna let Betty have you as her heroine…..I just want to say you are like heroin to me…Im totally addicted!
THANK YOU, ALL! These comments mean so much to me. And, Brian, if you think Niblet is fat you should see Sweet Potato!
Denise T
I ADORE the floor in your studio. I’m telling you now I may steal that idea.
Which floor? There are a couple of them. You have excellent taste.
You and your home are so incredible! It would be my ultimate dream home, and PINK!!!!! You have a special place in my heart…
beatrice moore
I like your style! I saw the article in the New York Times – congratulations on following your dream and helping preserve the best of kitsch out there.
I have a shop in Phoenix (also on Etsy) and specialize in what I call “city folkart” – and many of the items I carry have very much of a kitschy, but also wonderful handmade, quality to them – made by local artists and crafters. I definitely believe in keeping that sensibility alive. Cheers!
Would love to see some of your stuff posted here at AWMOK! We revere anyone who keeps the spirit of kitsch alive, especially when handmade (we love crafts here!). Direct link to upload is https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/how-to-submit/.
NYTImes article happily brought me here. I’m a kitsch lover so I’ll be spending lots of time lurking on your site.
Thanks, Joan! For this dose of kitsch x 6000 also make sure and check out my social network built around it, AWMOK.com. And if you’re on Facebook, here is another wing of kitsch: http://www.facebook.com/AWMoK. Hope to see you around!
Found this article trolling thru the news. Added your website to my Favorites button & already posted comments there. You are a walkin-talkin hugg!
Danker Schoen!
June Czerwinski
Hi Allee,
I’m a NoHo neighbor but it took the NY Times for me to find you and I’m so glad I did! I love your style and your attitude, your website, your music… and your aging gracefully philosophy. I’m not far behind you and your energy is an inspiration. I’ll be keeping tabs on you and your kitschy self now!
Thanks, June! Make sure and check out AWMOK.com too as that’s not only my collection of kitsch but a lot of other people’s too. Great conversations going on about style and motivation as well. Keep on keepin’ on!
I live in Burbank, although at the moment, I’m working in NYC (no joke, my first day at work was 9/21/10, and my contract ends exactly one year later). After reading about you in the NY Times, I just had to contact you. You are my hero. Not just for your fab house, deep appreciation for kitsch (I still have a bright yellow AM transistor radio I won in elementary school) and Internet trailblazing (I began my digital media career in 1995), but for writing the soundtrack of my life!
I get such joy whenever my iTunes library shuffles to one of your songs. The Pet Shop Boys and EWF tunes, of course (Earth, Wind & Fireworks was def the highlight of last year’s Bowl season!), but after I got a copy of the music from Disney’s “Chicken Little,” some years back, I realized how much I adored “Stir It Up” and had to track down my Beverly Hills Cop *cassette* to listen to the original. I’ve kept in my car (along with “Introducing the Hardline According to Terrence Trent D’Arby” and a cassingle of Tammy Wynette and the KLF) ever since.
I hope I get to meet you and experience the kitsch one day. Till then, thank you for doing what you do!
Tricia Nelson
Well thank you, Tricia. You have exquisite taste!! I want to see the transistor radio at AWMOK.com, my social network built around kitsch.