When I, along with Hidden Los Angeles, put out the call a few weeks ago that for Valentine’s Day we wanted to bring as many V-Day cards as possible to Milly Del Rubio, the last surviving Del Rubio Triplet, I was hoping that at least a few of you would put pen to card and help amass a stash. I’m happy to report that hundreds of cards have been rolling in!

Every single card is wonderful and beyond appreciated. Some of you went beyond the call of duty and created extra special wonderfulness:

If you haven’t sent a card in already please show Milly the wuv and send one to her NOW c/o me, 11684 Ventura Blvd., Suite 430, Studio City, CA 91604.

Here’s Milly at a Valentine’s Day dance a couple of years ago:

So Milly won’t be sitting alone this year, I’m bringing all your cards to her nice and early this coming Monday morning, Valentines Day itself. Here’s the Valentine’s Day card The Del Rubio’s sent me in 1996:

Here’s what I sent back to them:

Anyone who ever went to one of their shows can tell you that The Del Rubio Triplets made you feel like every day was Valentine’s Day.

Here’s to a golden V-Day for Milly and for you too!

And, once again, it’s Milly Del Rubio, c/o Allee Willis, 11684 Ventura Blvd., Suite 430, Studio City, CA 91604.
Mike Caffey
Hey Allee! Wow, I’m so glad that folks are sending Milly cards! And imagine my thrill to see our card to her in the stack! Here’s hoping you and Milly have a wonderful V-Day! You’re a doll Allee!
xoxoox Mike
Thank you so much, Mike!
Woo hoooooo!!!! 😀
Thank you Hidden LA!!
Nooo, thank *you*! 🙂
Mod Betty / RetroRoadmap.com
Very cool! So happy everyone chipped in!
Christian Capobianco
OMG Allee, this is AMAZING!! I am so in love w/ the love that you are giving to Milly.. I sent my card last week .. It’s pranced into my dreams like an ambitious pastel, : Milly , reading these,, in color… how cool r u for kissing someone heart… love, christian capobianco
… xoxo
I’m on my way to deliver them to her as we speak. Depending on what time I get back there will be a full or at least a partial report here tomorrow. HAPPY V-DAY TO U 2!
Woot! I’m so glad this project was a smashing success and I hope Milly really got a kick out of them.
How cool is that! Great to see she got so many. I heard about it on Retroroadmap and sent mine a couple weeks ago. Hope it made it there.
Yes it did. Thanks!