




Family Dinner set






"Adler Family Chanukah 2000 card"

It is with great joy that I once again portray the ever -expanding Adler family, whom I had the great pleasure of immortalizing in the popular medium of paint last year before the arrival of their beloved little Eli. I am happy the paunchy little nipper arrived safely, as it was a great joy for this artist to portray his round little ornament-like head this holiday season. Few would dispute that the Adlers represent the spirit of the holidays. As proof, the rhinestones and colorful baubles that adorn the lovely Jenna's clothing represent their sparkle and color. The ability of handsome husband Dan to meet and treat so many people to lunch and dinner is symbolic of the generosity shared by those who hover over stoves baking fruitcakes and stirring matzoh balls in preparation for their holiday feasts. Baby Eli, of course, represents birth, a custom common to us all, especially those people in Bethlehem, or Moses, who had the opportunity of white river rafting through the rushes before the sport itself was born. And adorable siblings Daisy and Astro, one black, one white, representing co-existence among the races, so popular this time of year. Dan and Jenna's world now revolves around the happy, drooling, ornament-like Eli. As former 'only children,' Astro and Daisy have learned to ride in the rumble seat of their parents hearts now that the stork has 'dumped his load,' so I have chosen to expand their head size in order to give them equal status on this card. I hope you are looking as darling as the Adlers this holiday season.

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