'Two For One' Seder Special







"'Two For One' Seder Special"

The Cohen family is one of the most gracious families I have ever known. My friend Ceal (far left) was very proud of her progeny and looked forward to cooking Seder dinner for them every Passover. This year, however, she was too exhausted after making hundreds of delicious herring pinwheels for her daughter Sherry's wedding the weekend before, so the family decided to have their Seder meal in the banquet room at Kenny's Kosher Kooked Deli. Everyone agreed that the gefilte fish was not up to snuff, but it saved Ceal lots of aggravation and that was the point. I don't like gefilte fish anyway so I could empathize just so much. Sized at 14" x 18", this holiday painting could hang in any household. The medium is fine acrylic paint on even finer canvas board.


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