Bubbles celebrates Chanukah!
Bubbles the artist's Holiday Theme Card Collection
Only $60 (plus shipping) per ten card set


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"The Festival Of Lights"

Anytime the Chosen People storm Jerusalem and there's only enough oil to keep the Menorah lit for one night but it burns for eight is a good time, and that's what Chanukah is all about! Just like those miracle tungsten light bulbs that burn forever or you get your money back. I would also like to say that I am glad there is a festival for lights as it would be very hard to paint at night without them!

Happy Chanukah!

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"This Way To The Chanukah Buffet"

My friend Ceal (far left) was very proud of her progeny and looked forward to preparing a blowout Chanukah feast for them every year. This Chanukah, however, she was too exhausted after making hundreds of delicious herring pinwheels for her daughter Sherry's wedding the weekend before, so the family decided to have their holiday meal in the banquet room at Kenny's Kosher Kooked Korner. Everyone agreed that the gefilte fish was not up to snuff, but happily, it was a very good year for Mogen David so no one really seemed to care that much.

Happy Chanukah!

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"The Sweet Table"

I must admit that unless a sweet contains chocolate or caramel, I consider it an impostor and have no interest in it. But I do look forward to holiday meals at my friend Ida Pinckus' house and have adjusted to the reality of the bland yet imaginative foodstuffs she serves. Although the mondel bread looks like a hand sander, it tastes pleasant enough. And though the first bite of a macaroon makes my mouth tense up and I have to pretend I don't notice the scratchy little coconut fibers braising the inside of my cheeks, I always manage to get at least one down.

Happy Chanukah!

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"Harry Hanukkah Delivers Gelt To The Children Of Israel"

Although I adore the eight gift policy of the Chosen People at this, their gift giving time of year, I always wonder if the little children feel left out when the whole world is talking about Santa Claus coming. My friend, Sam Kipper, told me about Harry Hanukkah and this is what I think he would look like. I hope he doesn't get too much sand in his pants traveling this close to the ground.

Happy Chanukah!

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