Bubbles celebrates Christmas!
Bubbles the artist's Holiday Theme Card Collection
Only $60 (plus shipping) per ten card set


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"A Girl And Her Tree"

Misty could barely balance her freshly lacquered beehive hairdo let alone deal with the beauty of her shiny new aluminum Christmas tree! She took several photos the night she erected them both and settled on this charming pose to send out as her personal holiday greeting.

Merry Christmas!

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"Smothered Turkeys"

My friend Barbara Hampton hired Chef Maurice to stew her bird every Christmas. He didn't say much and spent hours in the kitchen simmering his special sauce over a low flame. One year Chef Maurice's sleeve caught fire and the fowl had the distinct taste of burnt cotton, but he spiked the cranberry sauce so no one minded much. He eventually retired after making a fortune with his Chef Maurice Smothered Sauce franchise. From that Christmas on, Barbara's family dined on pressed turkey sandwiches and Hostess Snowballs stuffed with ice cream, the only holiday dishes she knew how to prepare.

Merry Christmas!

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"Come And Get It"

Janice was a very popular model, especially with her friend Sid, who photographed her hundreds of times for various tri-county business calendars and promotional materials. Here she is in Sid's favorite holiday pose, a catalog favorite among his clientele. Although the talented photographer lost contact with the comely Janice years ago, he still hangs her up at Christmas and toasts her beauty with his specialty Wild Turkey eggnog.

Merry Christmas!

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