Aunt Peggy Sick In Bed With The Cats
9" x 12"
"Aunt Peggy Sick In Bed With The Cats"

As you all know, Aunt Peggy is my best friend. Though we only met a few years ago through our mutual acquaintance, the very talented Mr. Herb Felcher, I feel like I've known dear Peggy my whole life. We are simpatico in many respects, not the least of which is our love of candy corn and handicrafts. Peggy overexerts herself, especially now that she serves as animation director of my wide world web art site. As a consequence, she falls to her bed in a heap quite often and so I have painted her now. Peggy's allergic to her two cats Butter and Foxy Lady and that always makes her twice as sick whenever she gives in to her fatigue. This Peggy is a friendly 9" x 12" - not too big, not too small! - and is rendered here in acrylic on canvas board.


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