Beautiful Greeting Cards by Bubbles the artist
Only $60 (plus shipping) per ten card set



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"The Disco Ball Was Especially Bright This Saturday Night"

It is no secret that great lighting makes skin tone look wonderful. And what happy skin to be in as this handsome duo dances into Sunday morning in the multifaceted glow of this fine disco ball. I am thinking happy thoughts for all who read this!

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"Here I Come"

Mamie can't wait to get off stage and toast the evening to come, whatever that may be. By day she scales fish in an anchovy packaging plant and her ever-present anchovy perfume only enhances the excitement surrounding her evening plans.

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"Herbert Knows That Good Service Is Important"

Herbert is the delightful waiter who has been serving my friends Rose, Ben and Bernard (front and center) ever since they started going to this little hideaway on Lady Manhattan's Lower East Side many years ago. They wouldn't think of spending important evenings anywhere else and trust that Herbert's expert attention to detail will mark the beginning of a prosperous and fruitful next few days.

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"Does Anyone Have Any Tums?"

Mrs. Ralph Fowler is known for her hats, which she wears to even the most casual of gatherings. Here she is, bedecked for the evening, in one of her finest haberdashery specimens. She does not look as fine as this excellent chapeau should allow, however, as she consumed one too many chopped liver and glazed beet canap�s and appears to be in mild distress. As Mrs. Fowler never travels without a roll of Tums in her glove compartment, I trust she will look as good as her hat as soon as she gets to her car.

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"The Twins Were Shielded From The Glare Of Time"

This cute boy and girl set, Joe and Flo, are barely old enough to understand that they were blasted into one of the most exciting Millenniums yet! But they're dressed for the occasion, nonetheless, in their matching "all-repellent space age fabric" nightie gowns and glare resistant sun spectacles. The twins' parents, Maddy and Paddy Topper, often dress to match their darling progeny.

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