Bubbles celebrates Chanukah!
Bubbles the artist's Holiday Theme Card Collection
Only $60 (plus shipping) per ten card set


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"The Chanukah Instrument"

This is my friend, Lucille Beckman, playing the same accordian her grandfather Shlomo played at his first, second and fourth weddings. In addition to mastering the highly touted "Hava Nagilia", Shlomo was quite an original tunesmith and entertained generations of Beckmans with his accordion Blues interpretations. Lucille followed in his footsteps and bagged a "Distinguished Contestant" ribbon at seven consecutive Hadassah "Future Stars" contests with her lively composition, "Disco Dreidel". I am sure Lucille is spending a lot of time under the disco ball this holiday season.

Happy Chanukah!

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"The Gefilte Fish Factory"

Maynard Jelnick had a high paying job as a scaler in the prestigious Gefilte Fish Factory across the beltway. He was known countywide for being able to pick the largest fish out of a barrel blindfolded and scaling it without ever laying an eye on his prey. The girls in the "molding" line liked to work on Maynard's fish more than the other scalers' as they could make more sculptural gefilte puffs from fewer amphibians. Maynard has always been a popular guest around the holidays as he betows his specialty 'gefilte fish molded as zoo animals' deli platter on each of his many excited hosts.

Happy Chanukah!

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"From Our Family To Yours"

My ex-next door neighbor, Mildred Saperstein, was at her happiest when her two girls, Mandy and Misty, came home for the holidays. Mildred turned the mattresses on their bunk beds and M&M lept in as if a moment hadn�t passed since they tucked copies of Playgirl under them and �studied� for their senior year of beauty school. Mandy is presently a buyer for the world�s largest applique boutique and Misty is a graphics designer in the promotion department of the prestigious Superior Sardine Company. Merry Christmas to these talented women!

Happy Chanukah!

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