Bubbles celebrates Christmas!
Bubbles the artist's Holiday Theme Card Collection
Only $60 (plus shipping) per ten card set


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"What Big Slopes"

Here are my lovely friends Al and Babe, portrayed at the moment they met during a 4H Club retreat one Christmas. She was sporting her latest Correge stretch fashions and he looked like the Hathaway man (without the eye patch, which would have been a dangerous fashion accessory to wear down such a big slope!). Al and Babe fell in love and got married the following Lent. They are still big skiers and return to their favorite slope every Christmas to commemorate their bliss.

Merry Christmas!

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"Mambo and Cha Cha And Hats Of The Season"

Every year Mambo and Cha Cha were invited to sit at the Christmas dinner table and enjoy their Kibble as if they were the same breed as their owners, Frank and Esther Rosenhausch. The entire family dined in Santa hats but the year portrayed here saw them one short. So Mr. Rosenhausch loaned Cha Cha his Zurah Temple Fez as it was either that or a sock and he knew Cha Cha would appreciate the authentic haberdashery. But Cha Cha's dismay at not receiving traditional holiday garb was evident when the mistletoe plant wilted and died before desert. Mrs. Rosenhausch traded hats with Cha Cha and the house remained green throughout the season.

Merry Christmas!

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"Mr. Nippy And His So Called Friends"

Erected by a couple honeymooning close to this charming hill in Nebraska, Mr. Nippy loved snow from the first minute of his birth to his last melting drips. He lived a happy six days and managed to stay firm and pristine until he was befriended by some neighborhood dogs who turned his winter coat to drab yellow. The honeymooning couple no longer stole kisses under the tree next to him and Mr. Nippy knew he would have to wait until the first snowfall of next Christmas to feel good again.

Merry Christmas!

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"The Black Light Enhances The Glow Of Their Kisses and Christmas Tree"

Paul & Carol and Jack & Celia have spen every Christmas Eve together since both couples started double dating in junior high. They all loved the black light craze and plug in the same precious artifact that lit up their hooka and headbands when they do the other holiday lights. The menu at Christmas expands somewhat beyond their school days staple of corn nuts and 3/2 beer, and those food stuffs, along with the other lovely decorations, look all the more appeaing in the glow of the beautiful black light.

Merry Christmas!

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