LILY Lily dancing on beach Dancing at the promWhat a drag What a bigger drag
Chrissy My cellulite has deja vu
Edie Hot shot radical ass Era! Era! Bust his chauvinist butt Henry Kissinger gets it up Burning Bra
Lud & Marie Brian like a hummingbird The way we planned it Milk Mustaches
Marge Marge is dead Make it a stiff one
Trudy The cerebral cortex grows a thumb Alien nude The ‘ouch’ experience Trudy’s brain Formfitting pantyhose Peak experience at Stonehenge Beautiful umbrella hat Broadway babies Soup. Art. Soup. Art. The Science of Trudy
Agnus You specks! I’ll blow-up your %!#@* speakers! A bunch of trash Vital guitar
Brandy She works hard for the money
Tina Light show Coastin’ on my own chemistry The detox trip Too much stress on the human body Listen to the background with Trudy
Kate Snip snip snip Swiggle ‘n slurp Go to Palm Beach and do oil portraits Dying of boredom
Paul Pump it up
Ernestine Snorting Ernestine Ernestine and Liberace Ernestine at the Emmys
Misc. Microscope I Look Better From Back The Bicycle We All Looked So Good In The Black Lite I Love Summer Peace Not Piece Same Manager As The Fifth Dimension