I freely admit I never liked opera before. Most likely because I never gave it a chance and was a firm R&B freak from the moment I heard the first note of it roll out of my transistor radio in 1960. So when the Michigan Opera Theatre was first mentioned to participate in “The D” my response was lukewarm. I loved that a big chorus would be assembled but I wasn’t sure what they were going to do with a feel as funky as “The D”. Well, let me just tell you… I now LOVE Opera!
First we recorded the children’s choir. These kids totally had the song locked down before we arrived, much appreciated after doing 40 sing-alongs in 18 days. They sang perfectly and were adorable. Then we recorded the adult choir. As soon as these people opened their mouths my opera prejudice went out the window. They sounded GORGEOUS. Not to mention that the vintage grandeur of the Michigan Opera House with its sweeping staircases and tableaus made it even more dripping-with-elegance exciting. Thank you Michigan Opera Theatre for gracing us with the voices of angels!
To learn more about “The D”, the record, video, and feature length documentary go here.