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The delightful Tracey Ullman demonstates Bubbles' accuracy with proportion and a Roto Zip tool as she models her valuable Bubbles commission.

Tracey Ullman commission -
"Above The Visible Panty Line With Allan, Stella and Tracey"

Bubbles: My manager, the talented-in-her-own -right Allee Willis, appeared on the delightful Tracey Ullman's new television show, "Visible Panty Line," soon to be enjoyed on the fine women's channel, Oxygen. I am proud to say the comedienne commissioned me, via Ms. Willis, to fashion her likeness in paint. I was able to finish her family portrait by the end of the show and Ms. Ullman agreed that masterpiece art is even more valuable if painted fast. I was confidant I captured the beauty of her husband Allan's head as well as the digestive area of the adorable canine, Stella. But Ms. Ullman's head proved to be a bigger challenge and I was only able to secure her likeness after attempting it on several canvases. Aunt Peggy lent me her Roto Zip Tool and I sawed all three from different canvases like they were logs in Vermont. The edges of Ms. Ullman and her charming family were a little rough but as with all inspired mistakes, my new patent-pending "terrycloth look" series of fine portrature was born. I thank Ms. Ullman for giving me the chance to perfect my craft.