
"Pixie And The Boys Study Nature On Twaddle Mill Road"

Here are the darling Hastings brothers and their wiggly dog, Pixie. Don't they seem to be saying "atten-shun!" to the great outdoors and to their favorite sport, television? Although to me, Bubbles the artist, their shirts appear to be a dark color, their charming mother, Nancy, assured me the garments were white. Though I am not usually one to challenge the memories of those who were there, I have portrayed the shirts as I see them - as dark as the boys' smiles are bright! The Hastings boys have such robust builds their shirts look great no matter what color they are! It was an artistic challenge the likes of which this artist has never faced, however, to capture the round head of the youngest boy, Peter. But his adorable wife, Rosina, (not his wife at the time of the photograph) says it is a circular head full of ideas and dreams. Aren't we all lucky to know a boy as full and happy as Peter!

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