Family Dinner set






"Adler Family 2001 Chanukah card"

It is with supreme pleasure that I once again have the honor and artistic challenge of capturing the charming Adler family in portraiture, this time as ceramic eating surfaces. Although many of you who receive this beautiful card may not be fortunate enough to dine with the Adlers in their wonderful new home this holiday season, this artist feels you should not be deprived of seeing how lovely the ceramic family looks garnished with the delicacies of their beloved Jewish Peoples. "The Handsome Dan" appears even more rugged framed by a crispy potato pancake and applesauce! "The Charming Jenna" glows with gefilte fish and horseradish enhancing her beautiful outfit! "The Bouncing Eli", so familiar with the joys of mixing heritages, bounces even more under his halo of multi-religioned cookies! "The So-White Daisy's" fur almost jumps off the page enhanced by the fluffy 3D beauty of the cream cheese which cements a finely constructed bagel and lox! And "The So-Black Astro" looks as delectable as I'm sure he smells simmering in a fragrant hot tub of matzoh ball soup! With a nod toward the delightful Korean culture so much a part of the Adler household, I had toyed with altering the menu of this delightful ethnic meal - perhaps a grill in the middle of the table, everyone barbecuing their own curvaceous piece of gefilte fish and hunk of Matzoh Brie. But alas, each of the aforementioned delicacies is as special as the family member they sit on and I couldn't bear eliminating any foodstuff. So thank you to The Adlers for demonstrating the sights and smells of the season. I hope all of you get to enjoy festive holiday meals as well and that, one day, you too can experience the joy of eating off of your own faces as the Adlers are doing this holiday season..

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