‘Mama Bear” (Female Police person), “Green Stamps” (money), “Plain White Wrapper” (Unmarked Police Car) and the ubiquitous “10-4″ (Ok, message received) became the second language of Pop Culture in 1975 when “Convoy”, a song that glorified truckers and their C.B. radios, shot up airplay charts as fast as the big rigs and semis it glorified shot down highways. C.B. radio paraphernalia took over store shelves across the country with these Anchor Hocking ‘Fire-King’ milk glass Proof 6 cups at the top of the heap. Twenty six of the most frequently mumbled C.B. codes as well as an array of popular trucks grace the cup, of I own twelve (and counting). Ten regular, 3 3/8″ tall, and two tank size, an inch taller and five phrases richer.