Glamour Lashes!
From the collection of: Howie Pyro
Located in : Health & Beauty


these must be so painful…they are late 50’s early 60’s & are toy eyelashes! they are heavy thick plastic & attach to your eyes with some kind of heavy adhesive tape!!! owwwwch… guessed it…bathroom wall..above the mirror…

What Allee has to say about this:
Now this is the kind of Beauty Kitsch that I adore! Completely impractical and painful if used. How insane is this as a kids toy? Which I actually assumed it was as the eyelashes are plastic. But looking at the packaging closer I realize they’re pushing this for females of all ages. No one is too young or too old to get permanent eyelid damage. I wonder if the adhesive is Crazy Glue?

I also love the positioning of the eyelashes on the packaging –
off-center and too high up above the eyes.

I also love the font on ‘Lashes’.

Can’t quite read the date at the bottom. Is it 1963?